Short story

"A shadow from past"

It is a cold winter night, snowing, with having a very cold, strong wind, it mercilessly moves the branches, there's no leaf to be seen and so no stars. Clouds are taking the sky over, except the part that moonlight shines brightly, but it is also caged by the dark clouds.

Mr. Smith is a young good-looking man about twenty four years old is sat down on a red expensive chair near the flaming fireplace at his house, his right hand is on his chin covering his mouth, he is looking outside from a big window, he watches deeply as he is taking a journey to his nostalgic world, it is obvious that he thinks nostalgically, he seems to be sad, upset and very angry inside. Mrs. Courtney, the maid, comes to the living room where he sits "would you like anything to drink, Mr. Smith" she asked, "no Mrs. Courtney" he replied "when will he be arriving? Hasn't he arrived yet, Mrs. Courtney shook her head and said " no, Mr. Smith Dr. Gordon hasn't arrived yet, he might appear soon", Smith turned his head looking at the window again" yes Mrs. Courtney he will be here soon" he sighed and continued " I want these nightmares come to an end soon, I can't live in a hell like this anymore, every winter my hopes are taken by a strong wind. raven sit on my broken branches, and it shows that makes my heart getting colder and colder", Mrs. Courtney lowered her head a little bit and closed her eyes and turned her hands into a fist stressing them saying "don't worry Mr. smith you will pass it, believe me!, ah mmm your nightmares will become beautiful sweet dreams and your branches will be blessed with beautiful oriental cherry blossoms, the ravens will fly away and replaced by beautiful little sparrows that sing all day long", " yes Mrs. Courtney I hope so" he said. Suddenly there was knocking on the door, "oh it could be Dr. Gordon I will go to open the door", after a while he could hear footsteps are getting closer and closer," hello, Mr. Smith", Smith Turned his head to see Dr. Gordon then he stood up "Welcome Dr. Gordon, I have been expecting you, please sit down", they sit.

"I am sorry to call you at this late time Dr. Gordon, but I trust you as my beloved parents did" he paused for a second "but now I think I need help" said Smith, Dr. Gordon with a confused face-expression said "what is the matter Mr. Smith? Have you faced any trouble recently, not recently no, but there was a shadow always chased me inside" replied Smith, Dr. Gordon still does not understand so he said "I am not sure how can I help you Mr. Smith, what can I do for you?, Smith Tried to Explain" Dr. Gordon I know you are a well-known psychologist and a trusted friend of the family, therefore, I think you might be able to help me to get rid of some unpleasant feelings", Dr. Gordon disagreed" from the time I know your family I never felt something wrong with you, even when you lost your extraordinary great parents", Smith deeply looked into Dr. Gordon's eyes" it was a hard time when my parents passed away three years ago, but these feelings I mentioned I had them since I was seven Doctor Gordon", Gordon is still not able to understand but he could feel from looking into his eyes something is wrong inside the heart of Smith not a teenage love for a woman but something deeper than that for that reason he asked" Mr. Smith I am ready to listen to your story, and I want to see the nature of the shadow that follows you, so please be comfortable to tell me everything, I assure that I will guard your privacy", Smith believed in the statements of the doctor "no doubt about that Doctor, the only reason is not your long relation to the family as a friend, but I know you respect the privacy of your patients, I never heard you talk about any of your patients' problems here not even a single word", Gordon replied "every psychologist and doctor must guard their patients' secrets to death' he continued " I am ready to hear your story my ears are opened to hear your words, Mr. Smith", Smith was about to begin when Courtney entered and brought tea for them she put tea cups in front of both the gentlemen then she left the serpent and the bowl. Smith could feel that Dr. Gordon is worried that Courtney would hear them so he assured him "do not worry Dr. Gordon as you know Courtney works here since I was a little enfant and she is very trusted", Gordon said " it is all right with me as long as you don't feel uncomfortable while another individual is around", Smith Turned his head gazing at the fireplace "Dr. Gordon the main pain of mine is that I hate my mother!", Gordon didn't agree and he was surprised as well because Mrs. Smith was the best mother in the world and she loved Smith more than anyone "why would you say that Mr. Smith" then he continued "Mr. and Mrs. Smith were the best parent and they took care of you more than anyone and anything in the whole world", smith explained "Doctor, I am not talking about my beloved parent who took care of me and whom were my caregivers" he sighed for a second then continued " as you know Doctor my parent didn't talk about something to me but I know you know it as well", Dr. Gordon didn't understand pretty well nothing crossed his mind so he asked "I am not sure what do you mean, Mr. Smith", he sighed again saying " I am adopted" he stopped for a moment then continued "I was found to be precise", Gordon could understand a part of what Smith has said "I didn't know that you are aware of that!" then he was even more surprised and more confused " what do you mean by being found Mr. Smith", smith was ready to explain more "Doctor, I was left in front of an orphanage door a nun found me I was only about 8 months then, later on I was adopted by my parents”, Gordon said" I know that you were adopted but Mr. and Mrs. Smith didn't want to tell you anything about adaptation and so the others, but what I see now is they didn't even tell me about that story", Smith calmly with sad tone of his voice" know doctor they never told me too, I found out about my adaptation when I was nine years old I heard them speaking in their room but about the little baby being left alone in front of an orphanage door knew it when I was eighteen", Gordon was curious" how did you know while no one told you anything?, Smith replied "I found out the orphanage that I was in, it was wolverhampton orphanage", although many information were provided by Smith but Gordon still couldn't put all pieces of the puzzle together there was a link missing from the story so he asked "Mr. Smith I have been listening to you very carefully all long but I am afraid I can't connect the whole image together and I don't know how can I help" he continued calmly " as a friend I am ready to help whatever I can to help you to provide you emotional support.", Smith interrupted "Doctor" then he continued "i hate my mother!" doctor's eyes got bigger he didn't expect that sentence, Smith went on" yes doctor you heard me I hate my mother, when I went to wolverhampton then I realized my history, Madam Catherine the nun who found me in a stormy, cold, winter-night, I am so angry and upset when I picture the moment I am as a baby crying in a late cold winter night in front of an orphanage and the ironic thing is being left by your own parents!, the most sad thing is that I hate my mother and father, it only makes me more miserable in a way that I am no longer interested in living, pains are taking over all my senses and logic, Gordon now could figure out why Smith called him, he knew Smith wanted to get rid of these unwanted dark feelings but he also wasn't agree totally with Smith to be that sensitive" Mr. Smith you don't need to hate anyone specially your real parents maybe they didn't have enough money to afford you a wanted life you know that poverty attacked everywhere", "Doctor I wanted to die rather than being left by the hands of your mother!", Gordon was curious" why do you hate your mother more? How can you specify that your mother left you there", Smith said "Madam Catherine could know a woman left me by the footprints on the snow he continued " Madam Catherine had told me that I was crying all the time until four days later after that Miss Courtney started to work there, she was the only one I had most of my time with so that is why when my parent adopted me Miss Courtney came to work here and taking care of me", Gordon surprisingly said "I don't believe what I hear!" then he continued " now, everything makes sense but despite all of this I think you should not make it harder on yourself like this, Arthur' he tried to explain more "probably there are missing puzzles in the story, you don't know why your mother or your real parent left you in wolverhampton, there are many possibilities why they had done that, because no parent in the world abandon their children for not a big reason" Dr. Gordon wanted to let Arthur know about his and other people's experiences in suffering so he continued saying "you know Arthur!, We all have a shadow that chases us from the past, it is hard, but the hardest is when you cannot light a torch or a candle to fight it easily so one might wonder how can one get out from this dark maze?", Arthur replied "no way out from a dark-maze sans sight", Gordon was against " wrong!" he continued "in your case, Arthur you are not sightless or sans lighting instruments'', Smith replied dr. Gordon's statement about his dazzling expectations of happiness " I am afraid I cannot be agreed, doctor" he continued "I think heavens gates are locked upon me while hell is a sight away from below, you see emotions are a master of torturing the party-giver by grief, while reason is a master of illusions", Dr. Gordon from his experience expected that very soon emotions of Arthur may explode, he thought, it might be good for Arthur to let everything out of his chest and reason, but on the other hand it might build new emotional complexes" Arthur, you need to be much stronger, if you let your emotions took your reason over, or if you let illusions took over all it, you may not survive from sufferings", Arthur's emotions took its first step to be cracked although he could control quivering of his lips but his eyes couldn't lie, they were brighten with imprisoned tears, his pupils were dilated deeply, while he was on the verge of tears he said "I just . can't stop getting angry on everyone including me, I can't live with my story like that", Dr. Gordon didn't say anything he just wanted to wait for while so that Arthur can let every tear could flow out like waterfalls from his eyes. Arthur began to feel more pain and he angrily said "I hate my mother I admit it I hate my parents I hate those who brought me into this cruel world I hate those who left me with no protection". when Arthur finished his short noisy speech with cry, suddenly a sound of falling tray, when Gordon and Arthur were silent while they turned their head to the source of the sound, everyone was silent, kuchen and cookies were all scattered on the floor, the only sound that is to be heard is Courtney's cry, Dr. Gordon didn't have not even an idea why she does weep so he wondered "Miss Courtney, what is wrong", Courtney could hardly speak while her tears were like a heavy rain don't . don't hate your mother Arthur", Arthur also wondered nothing crossed his mind, he had never seen Courtney in a situation like this Miss Courtney you were like a mother figure for me please tell me all you know that I don't!", Courtney tried hard to be strong enough to tell although she was drowning in tears "I am your mother Arthur, all I did with your father was protecting you, all of these years I was silent for your to have a happy life my son!", it was an unbelievable moment for Arthur, shaking in tears" so why, why did you and my father left me alone why didn't you all abandon me?!", Courtney was trembling more "we never left you alone, Arthur" she continued " your father Jonathan, was killed by queen's intruders, he was a an official worker of the government, he wanted to expose them to the authority but it was too late they killed Prince Albert with poison while everyone thinks he died of a disease, they also killed your father he made me take you and run away, we made our way to Birmingham but we didn't have anything to live and eat so I left you in front of the orphan for the next day I begged the nun to let me work in the orphanage to be close to you, you see now we never abandon you my little William all this time I was making sure you were under my protection and you will have a good life, I didn't leave you even when Smith's family took us back to London", both of them were broken in tears no one could or want to as anything except shedding tears, Arthur walked to his mother, he cried just like how an infant first cries to his new, unknown, strange he hugged his mother somewhere in the south-east of this greenish planet cherry blossoms were dancing with the wind.


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