Short story
"A shadow from past" It is a cold winter night, snowing, with having a very cold, strong wind, it mercilessly moves the branches, there's no leaf to be seen and so no stars. Clouds are taking the sky over, except the part that moonlight shines brightly, but it is also caged by the dark clouds. Mr. Smith is a young good-looking man about twenty four years old is sat down on a red expensive chair near the flaming fireplace at his house, his right hand is on his chin covering his mouth, he is looking outside from a big window, he watches deeply as he is taking a journey to his nostalgic world, it is obvious that he thinks nostalgically, he seems to be sad, upset and very angry inside. Mrs. Courtney, the maid, comes to the living room where he sits "would you like anything to drink, Mr. Smith" she asked, "no Mrs. Courtney" he replied "when will he be arriving? Hasn't he arrived yet, Mrs. Courtney shook her head and said " no, Mr. Smith Dr. Go...